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Shanice Carew

BA (Hons) Digital Media

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PocketPad is a 2D interactive mobile application which comprise of electronic receipt data management. PocketPad uses QR code technology (with the use of the in-app camera mode) to scan uniquely generated QR codes containing the electronic receipt data. This allows users to download the uniquely generated link associated with the electronic receipt data in which can be added securely into the in-app inventory. The purpose of the application is to encourage environmental sustainability by utilizing mobile technology. This will ultimately reduce excessive waste of print production of paper receipts; by incorporating electronic receipts in replacement of paper receipt. PocketPad ergonomically corresponds into the rising technological era of today; in accordance of utilizing technology to substitute and facilitate a simpler way of living.

Get in touch with Shanice


Shanice Carew

BA (Hons) Digital Media

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Shanice Carew

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