Kate Lizzy Davis
Illustration and Animation MA
Kate has a passion for storytelling, combined with an unfettered imagination and an eye for detail. Having completed a BA in Fine Art at Oxford Brookes University, where she deployed a wide variety of media to bring her thoughts to life, including an illustrated book, it was clear that this was to be her chosen path. The Master's programme in Illustration and Animation at Coventry University was the perfect environment in which to expand and hone her skills as a visual storyteller, the latest example is The Lives of Todd. This is a story about the love between two men that spans space and time. They fall in love in 1951, but reluctantly separate due to fear of persecution. This decision had disastrous consequences and needed to be changed. Kate researched quantum physics, spiritual beliefs and societal changes to same sex relationships in order to create this journey through parallel worlds to keep them together and achieve the desired outcome. Kate created a storyboard which follows the main character, Todd, as he repeats his life over and over again with his immortal spirit guide called Higher Self guiding him and ultimately stopping him leaving the man he loves, Bill.
Kate Lizzy Davis
Illustration and Animation MA
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