Elyss Thon
BA (Hons) Fashion

Growing up in Malaysia where diversity is the foundation of culture, Elyss’s eyes were opened to a wide spectrum of mindsets, fashion styles and tastes. She has always loved finding the latest fashion trends on social media and believes in creating a safe space for everyone to embrace fashion in their own ways. Her internship at Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week in summer of 2019 inspired her to create a new concept for IMG's Mercedes Benz Fashion Weeks; combating sustainability, with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology. In her final year project, she developed a business plan for her luxury streetwear app. The app allows customers to swap their luxury streetwear items with one another, connectivity is based on style, brand and size preferences. Overall, her work takes an innovative approach to sustainability within the fashion industry while keeping the consumer up-to-date with the latest fashion and lifestyle trends.

Elyss Thon
BA (Hons) Fashion
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Elyss Thon
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