Stephen Shaw
BA (Hons) Media Production
'A Race for Change: Morality in 'The Sport of Kings', is a short documentary detailing the subject of 'Equine Welfare' and the treatment of horses within the horse racing industry in the UK. The documentary features arguments that both support and challenge the Industry, presented from an objective standpoint and highlights how the industry is regulating and improving the sport to benefit from these issues, as well as providing a brief insight of how it has been done in the past.
Living through the experience of the events held at the 'Cheltenham Races', I have always been aware of the huge popularity the Industry has and the attraction it brings, however I have lacked the understanding of what goes on within the sport. It therefore seemed logical to use this subject as a means of educating myself and hopefully others, through this documentary. As the sport has recently faced changes to it's regulations and made attempts to implement welfare strategies, the time-frame and occurrence of these events, presents the relevance of my documentary in being produced. It will inform the audience on how these changes are being implemented and the issues that are still being sough

Stephen Shaw
BA (Hons) Media Production
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