Danielle Byatte
BA (Hons) Photography

Underlie is a socially-engaged project that investigates the conflicts of external perspectives and community relationships that come together in her local area; Hillfields. Byatte weaves analogue images by hand, joining photographs of prominent architecture and clusters of international food supermarkets to echo the nature of this complex location.
A triptych of prints and a handmade photobook are anchored by extracts from Francis Grose’s The Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. The text is suggestive of social attitudes towards the area, as well as how present-day reports have encouraged them. Underlie is a starting point for Byatte who plans to develop similar works in other areas with competing narratives and tensions between community networks and anti-social behaviour. Ultimately this work asks the viewer to take a closer look at caring within communities.

Danielle Byatte
BA (Hons) Photography
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Danielle Byatte
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