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Symran Bhogun-Scott

BA (Hons) Illustration and Graphics

Get in touch with Symran

Honey - the app for friendly money management
Honey - the app for friendly money management

My focus after graduation is to become a UI Designer. I enjoy creating sleek interfaces and creating digital concepts. I like to create simple but effective interfaces, so users have an enjoyable digital experience, using micro-animations to lift designs and bring the page to life. My placement experience developed my skills greatly as a designer and I can’t wait to start working in the industry.

Honey is a finance app created with mental health in mind. It helps the user's anxiety around money and finances by allowing the user to hide figures and choose to see them when they want to. The app uses illustrations to depict their financial situation, with the theme centred around bees and nature. 

The app displays both past and upcoming transactions, allowing the users to also take a deeper look into previous purchases/payments.
The app displays both past and upcoming transactions, allowing the users to also take a deeper look into previous purchases/payments.
The details section of the app allows the user to view their account information, also with added security so information isn't stolen.
The details section of the app allows the user to view their account information, also with added security so information isn't stolen.
The Hive Hub is where users savings information is stored. The closer the user is to completing their savings target, the more the illustration shows.
The Hive Hub is where users savings information is stored. The closer the user is to completing their savings target, the more the illustration shows.
Here is the settings and profile sections. Users can rate how they are feeling that day and the app can display their spending habits according to categories or moods.
Here is the settings and profile sections. Users can rate how they are feeling that day and the app can display their spending habits according to categories or moods.

Get in touch with Symran


Symran Bhogun-Scott

BA (Hons) Illustration and Graphics

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Honey - the app for friendly money management