Alfie Guard
MDes / BA (Hons) Product Design

I am a hardworking, passionate young designer with a love for design. Self-motivation, time management and creativity are among my strongest traits and I love to work within all team dynamics. When not designing I spend my time playing many different sports, which has helped me become both a great team player, but also a confident leader.
Every year, millions of people living in the developing world are using dirty and unsanitary water to clean and wash themselves, leading to serious illnesses, critical infections and death. This is a serious problem and is why clean water and sanitation has been selected as one of the 17 UN Sustainable Development goals. For my final major project, I wanted to attempt to address this crisis.
Introducing HyDrench, the portable filtration showering system designed for some of the world’s least developed countries, allowing dirty and unclean water supplies to be filtered through a complex glass fibre filtration system, in order to be safe and sterile to use. HyDrench will considerably reduce the chances of infection and illness and will immediately be available at point of use where required as a result of its simplicity and cost-effective design.