Mark Collins
MDes / BA (Hons) Product Design

I am a product designer with a strong focus on model making, with 9 months experience as an intern at Vital Auto followed by 1 year as a hard modeller / design technician there throughout my final year. This has given me a great understanding of workshop practice and skills such as surfacing and mould making for casting.
My final project was the Nike Vapor Adapt Concept. A modular American football cleat designed to eliminate the need to own and carry multiple pairs of cleats to a game or training session. Due to the nature of the game there have to be multiple stud configurations for different positions that I reduced to three main groups: speed players, lateral players and static players. I also had to make different stud configurations for different weather conditions resulting in dry configurations and wet configurations.
I focused on making the cleat sustainable throughout the project as it is our responsibility as product designers to look after the planet with the products we make. I branded my cleat under Nike to make use of their Nike Grind program with the aim to make zero waste in the production of athletic products.

Mark Collins
MDes / BA (Hons) Product Design
Mark Collins
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