Swizel Fernandes
MDes / BA (Hons) Product Design

MDes Product Design
After returning from a yearlong placement working at User Conversion as a UI/UX designer, I am excited to present Eva the smart food waste bin, designed to help tackle the growing problem of incorrect food waste disposal.
Eva encourages users to reduce, reuse and recycle their food waste in their own homes. Through the Eva mobile application, users are able to keep track of the contents of their food bin through its smart weight scales, learn about the problems of climate change and how they are able to live a sustainable life in order to help fight this problem.
With the use of seeded bags, the user is able to dispose of their food waste in their own gardens, allowing them to grow their own foods and creating a constant cycle of sustainable food in their home, in the hope of creating a reduced impact on the earth’s delicate climate. Within the product itself is a carbon filter which helps to minimise odours that are released from the food waste.

Swizel Fernandes
MDes / BA (Hons) Product Design
Swizel Fernandes
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