William Wright
MDes / BA (Hons) Product Design

MDes Product Design
During my time at Coventry University I have developed my interest and passion for functional product design, focussing on model making, design for manufacture and rapid prototyping/development.
During a year-long industrial placement at Vital Auto in Coventry, I developed a range of practical model making skills and in the final 6 months of placement I operated and managed the 3D printing facilities using CAD and a range of 3D printing packages, whilst understanding the daily operation and maintenance through my ability to problem solve and troubleshoot.
For my major project, I developed Resen to help tackle the current sleep crisis faced by shift workers. These individuals experience disrupted sleep-wake schedules, with up to 30% suffering with shift work sleep disorder, which can greatly impact both mental and physical health with major long-term health implications.
Resen aims to resolve this by actively tracking users sleep-wake cycles, analysing collected information to adapt and personalise sleep environment for the user. Gently aiding the improvement of sleep via natural sensory experiences: sound, scent, light and physical touch to maximise sleep’s natural recovery potential, whilst educating and encouraging positive sleep habits around shifting work and life commitments.

William Wright
MDes / BA (Hons) Product Design
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William Wright
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