Franciszek Zajac
BA (Hons) Automotive and Transport

I present a conclusion of my studies at Coventry University, as part of my journey to become an Automotive Designer. I have gained a lot of skills and knowledge, which made me even more passionate about the world of design.
I am interested in how technologies and changes in society effect the way people live, and what is the role of vehicles in a modern world, focusing equally on interior and exterior design.
Recently I did a placement at the “Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge” in Germany, where I experienced working on vehicle interior and exterior projects, with a team of passionate and skilful people. This experience has reassured me that I want to be part of a team, to create something truly remarkable.
My thesis project CANVAS focuses on a 2040 heavily urbanised Japan, where people desire to reconnect with nature. Particularly focusing on families that struggle to balance work with family and personal needs.
The idea is to utilise the beauty of rural Japan, and to create an authentic and minimalist escape to the countryside experience, where families can enjoy a personal day out, with a highly customisation

Franciszek Zajac
BA (Hons) Automotive and Transport
Franciszek Zajac
Website Link