Matthew Lincoln
BA (Hons) Automotive and Transport

My project explores the need for urban escapism in the year 2030, and how a vehicle can provide this need to explore and connect with nature. Inspired by the Citroën brand and it's heritage, I have designed a revolutionary family car, for everyday use in the city. Yet using flexible architecture it can transform into a living space for adventure holidays in areas of natural beauty, escaping the stress of urban city life, and reducing the effects of nature deficit disorder.
I am looking for an opportunity to begin my career in the Automotive design industry to become an Exterior/Advanced Exterior designer. This has been my focus however I am open to other areas of design. I was able to develop my skills during my Internship with Autofabrica (3 Months) where I gained vital industry experience. I believe I would be a positive member of a design team and would love to help create the future.
Thank you for looking at my project work and you can see the full project portfolio via the BeHance link on this page.
Matthew Lincoln

Matthew Lincoln
BA (Hons) Automotive and Transport
Instagram Link
Matthew Lincoln
Website Link