Ieva Butkeviciute
BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design
The Design Hub is located in Lithuania Kaunas and was created for creative people who could come here and work all together with Interior designers, Architects and Graphic designers. It can be students or professionals. Having all of us together in one building we could help each other with our projects and also learn something new. This would also be a great place to get suggestion from professionals who would also be able to come and work here dropping the thought of working from home where it is difficult to escape all distractions that we encounter. In the building you would find a cafe, lounge rooms, nap room if you need to take a power nap, kitchenette if you like to bring lunch with you, study rooms, quite study room and a ping pong table if you need to have 15min of fun before going to work again. The study rooms where designed using colour theory and each colour could boost up a mood that you have now or would like to build it up. Blue - for productivity, creativity and focus, Purple - problem solving, Orange - for attention it works like a stimulant and Green - concentration and boost for reading ability.