Viktorija Sliozaite
BA (Hons) Games Art
For my final major project, I decided to create an environment that would be strongly inspired by Dante Alighieri's poem ‘’Divine Comedy’’.I think it has a lot of interesting content that could result in amazing environments. I also thought that it would be fitting to go back to my roots with the project. The game that had the most influence on my decision of games art is Devil May Cry. This game strongly references Divine Comedy that was something that caught my attention in the first place. Instead of recreating a scene from Devil May Cry, I decided to take the same source material that Capcom used and create something of my own. I chose 9th circle of hell that is divided into 3 parts. This circle is Treachery. I recreated the first part which is called Caina after the biblical Cain who kill his brother Abel.

Viktorija Sliozaite
BA (Hons) Games Art
Viktorija Sliozaite
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