Samantha Green
BA (Hons) Fine Art
Being married to an artist, a job move bought her family to Coventry where she has completed the final year of her Fine Art Degree. Being a mature student, Sam juggles parenthood with art; her daughter being her biggest inspiration.
A workshop at the Theatre of Small Convenience, Worcestershire inspired Sam to explore the art form of puppet making. With the diversity of textiles having always been of interest, Sam unites this medium with character design and sculpture. Puppet making enables Sam to bring her imagination to life.
With migration dominating the headlines and politics globally over recent years, Sam began to think about her own ancestry. ‘M is for Migration’ is an installation that combines puppets with film, audio and painting. The installation tells the story of her Great Aunt’s experiences of being a Traveller child, and is created around one of Sam’s first childhood memories. Belonging to the Ludar Tribe, ‘M is for Migration’ is part of an ongoing research project which is taking Sam on a journey of discovery.
Living with a disability, Sam has the philosophy that art should be accessible to everybody and wants to encourage people from a

Samantha Green
BA (Hons) Fine Art
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